Love, Lust, and Laudations: Flemish Choral Music of the High Renaissance
- Release Year: 2003
- Catalog ID: MS-1
- Format: Compact Disc, Digital Download
- Running Time: 00:59:59
- Price: $15.00 (CD), $9.99 (Download)
The inspiration for this meticulously recorded and produced collection sprang from a performance Musica Sacra gave to complement the art exhibit “The Printed World of Pieter Bruegel the Elder,” mounted by the Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University in 1995. Interspersed among motets and chansons of Clemens non Papa, Orlandus Lassus and Claude Le Jeune, the three preëminent Flemish composers of the second half of the 16th century, are chansons of lesser-known composers published by the Flemish musician Tylman Susato.
- Musica dei donum optimi, Clemens non Papa (ca. 1510-ca. 1555)
- Las il n’a nul mal qui n’a le mal d’amour, Claude Le Jeune (ca. 1528-1600)
- Nostre vicaire ung jour de feste, Jean Le Cocq (Fl. 1540-1560)
- Ma maistresse, ma bonne amye à 4, Tylman Sysato (ca. 1510-ca. 1570)
- De mon malheur me puis je bien contenter à 4 Tylman Susato
- Helas, j’ay sans mercy le soucy et la pensée, Claude Le Jeune
- O Maria vernans rosa, Clemens non Papa
- Adesto dolori meo, Clemens non Papa
- Il estoit une fillette, Cornelius Canis (ca. 1510-1561)
- Je suis aymé de la plus belle, Johannes Castileti (1512-1588)
- Gens qui parles mal de m’amye, Cornelius Canis
- J’ay senti les deux maux de l’amoureux martire, Claude Le Jeune
- Je suis amoureux d’une fille, Johannes Castileti
- Ung capitaine de pillars, Antoine Barbe (d. 1564)
- Cum essem parvulus, Orlandus Lassus (1532-1594)
- Cantate Domino, Orlandus Lassus
- En ce gracieulx mois de may, Jean Courtois (Fl. 1530-1545)
- Lauda anima mea Dominum, Orlandus Lassus
- Elle n’eust sçeu la chaleur esprouver, Claude Le Jeune
“With crystalline-clear tone, this exceptional a cappella chorus recreates the most beautiful masterpieces of the Flemish renaissance period. Like wafts of smoke floating and drifing through still air, their lines weave beautiful, circular shapes of closed and open harmony. A ghostly and angelic album.” CD Baby
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Online from Musica Sacra
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- “Love, Lust, and Laudations: Flemish Choral Music of the High Renaissance CD”
- US $15.00
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- Musica Sacra
- ATTN: “Love, Lust, and Laudations: Flemish Choral Music of the High Renaissance CD” Orders
- P O Box 381336
- Cambridge, MA 02238-1336
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